Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Breast or the Milk

Jorge didn´t tell stories in every session, but somehow I vividly remember almost every story that he told me over our year and a half of therapy. Maybe he was right that this was the best way to learn a body of knowledge.

I remember the day when I told him that I was feeling overly dependant. I told him that, despite the fact that it bothered me, I couldn´t stop thinking about what he told me. I began to suspect that the admiration and love that I was feeling toward him were making me overly dependent on his views and too attached to the therapy.

You are hungry for knowledge
hungry to grow
hungry for experience
hungry to fly. . .
It could be that today
I am the breast
that gives the milk
that satisfies your hunger. . .
I think it´s fantastic that today
you want that breast.
But don´t forget:
It´s not the breast that satisfies your hunger
It´s the milk!

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